Please VOTE daily to support children's futures!

We need your VOTE to have my project chosen for the LEAD360 Jefferson Award challenge. This will bring my successful idea nationwide and bring FREE STEM classes to disadvantaged children to help increase their literacy rates and also increase their interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math occupations.

Click Here each day to VOTE for Ryan Traynor in the Education and Literacy section:

I have a dream - to have children across the United States have the opportunity to experience FREE Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classes at their local libraries or classrooms, especially during the summer during "Summer Brain Drain." I want to transform the classes I successfully created and conducted in my local community website toolkit for everyone to easily set up, promote, recruit volunteers, and conduct these classes with minimal effort. All of the research and lessons I have learned will be put into not only a website accessible to teachers, librarians, and community volunteers, but we will put together boxes with the required materials for locations that would like to roll out the classes quickly, especially in low-income or low-literacy neighborhoods. We will coordinate with local libraries to offer these classes for free.

This project has been selected from thousands of amazing ideas into the TOP 15 in the LEAD360 challenge with the Jefferson Award Foundation where the winners will have their project supported to have the entire country ACT with MAXIMUM IMPACT. For the top 3, the Jefferson Foundation will galvanize individuals, organizations, companies, sports teams, universities and communities to participate in promoting and supporting the projects. Over the course of an entire year, the collective impact of these projects all over the country will be tracked. Just think of the impact of these classes!

Please VOTE! You can vote daily from each computer. We can make an impact on LITERACY and interest in future STEM careers from today's youth.

Thank You!
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